Ask a Question Dgraph Schema Fragment While editing your schema, you might find it useful to include this GraphQL schema fragment. It sets up the definitions of the directives, etc. (like @search) that you’ll use in your schema. If your editor is GraphQL aware, it may give you errors if you don’t have this available and context sensitive help if you do. Don’t include it in your input schema to Dgraph - use your editing environment to set it up as an import. The details will depend on your setup. """ The Int64 scalar type represents a signed 64‐bit numeric non‐fractional value. Int64 can represent values in range [-(2^63),(2^63 - 1)]. """ scalar Int64 """ The DateTime scalar type represents date and time as a string in RFC3339 format. For example: "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z" represents 20 minutes and 50.52 seconds after the 23rd hour of April 12th, 1985 in UTC. """ scalar DateTime input IntRange{ min: Int! max: Int! } input FloatRange{ min: Float! max: Float! } input Int64Range{ min: Int64! max: Int64! } input DateTimeRange{ min: DateTime! max: DateTime! } input StringRange{ min: String! max: String! } enum DgraphIndex { int int64 float bool hash exact term fulltext trigram regexp year month day hour geo } input AuthRule { and: [AuthRule] or: [AuthRule] not: AuthRule rule: String } enum HTTPMethod { GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE } enum Mode { BATCH SINGLE } input CustomHTTP { url: String! method: HTTPMethod! body: String graphql: String mode: Mode forwardHeaders: [String!] secretHeaders: [String!] introspectionHeaders: [String!] skipIntrospection: Boolean } type Point { longitude: Float! latitude: Float! } input PointRef { longitude: Float! latitude: Float! } input NearFilter { distance: Float! coordinate: PointRef! } input PointGeoFilter { near: NearFilter within: WithinFilter } type PointList { points: [Point!]! } input PointListRef { points: [PointRef!]! } type Polygon { coordinates: [PointList!]! } input PolygonRef { coordinates: [PointListRef!]! } type MultiPolygon { polygons: [Polygon!]! } input MultiPolygonRef { polygons: [PolygonRef!]! } input WithinFilter { polygon: PolygonRef! } input ContainsFilter { point: PointRef polygon: PolygonRef } input IntersectsFilter { polygon: PolygonRef multiPolygon: MultiPolygonRef } input PolygonGeoFilter { near: NearFilter within: WithinFilter contains: ContainsFilter intersects: IntersectsFilter } input GenerateQueryParams { get: Boolean query: Boolean password: Boolean aggregate: Boolean } input GenerateMutationParams { add: Boolean update: Boolean delete: Boolean } directive @hasInverse(field: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @search(by: [DgraphIndex!]) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @dgraph(type: String, pred: String) on OBJECT | INTERFACE | FIELD_DEFINITION directive @id(interface: Boolean) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @withSubscription on OBJECT | INTERFACE | FIELD_DEFINITION directive @secret(field: String!, pred: String) on OBJECT | INTERFACE directive @auth( password: AuthRule query: AuthRule, add: AuthRule, update: AuthRule, delete: AuthRule) on OBJECT | INTERFACE directive @custom(http: CustomHTTP, dql: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @remote on OBJECT | INTERFACE | UNION | INPUT_OBJECT | ENUM directive @remoteResponse(name: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @cascade(fields: [String]) on FIELD directive @lambda on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @lambdaOnMutate(add: Boolean, update: Boolean, delete: Boolean) on OBJECT | INTERFACE directive @cacheControl(maxAge: Int!) on QUERY directive @generate( query: GenerateQueryParams, mutation: GenerateMutationParams, subscription: Boolean) on OBJECT | INTERFACE input IntFilter { eq: Int in: [Int] le: Int lt: Int ge: Int gt: Int between: IntRange } input Int64Filter { eq: Int64 in: [Int64] le: Int64 lt: Int64 ge: Int64 gt: Int64 between: Int64Range } input FloatFilter { eq: Float in: [Float] le: Float lt: Float ge: Float gt: Float between: FloatRange } input DateTimeFilter { eq: DateTime in: [DateTime] le: DateTime lt: DateTime ge: DateTime gt: DateTime between: DateTimeRange } input StringTermFilter { allofterms: String anyofterms: String } input StringRegExpFilter { regexp: String } input StringFullTextFilter { alloftext: String anyoftext: String } input StringExactFilter { eq: String in: [String] le: String lt: String ge: String gt: String between: StringRange } input StringHashFilter { eq: String in: [String] } ← Deprecation