Ask a Question Lambda Server In this article you’ll learn how to setup a Dgraph database with a lambda server. Dgraph Lambda Dgraph Lambda is a serverless platform for running JavaScript on Dgraph and Dgraph Cloud. You can download the latest version or review the implementation in our open-source repository. Running with Docker To run a Dgraph Lambda server with Docker: docker run -it --rm -p 8686:8686 -v /path/to/script.js:/app/script/script.js -e DGRAPH_URL=http://host.docker.internal:8080 dgraph/dgraph-lambda Note host.docker.internal doesn’t work on older versions of Docker on Linux. You can use DGRAPH_URL= instead. Adding libraries If you would like to add libraries to Dgraph Lambda, use webpack --target=webworker to compile your script. Working with TypeScript You can import @slash-graphql/lambda-types to get types for addGraphQLResolver and addGraphQLMultiParentResolver. Dgraph Alpha To set up Dgraph Alpha, you need to define the --graphql superflag’s lambda-url option, which is used to set the URL of the lambda server. All the @lambda fields will be resolved through the lambda functions implemented on the given lambda server. For example: dgraph alpha --graphql lambda-url=http://localhost:8686/graphql-worker Then test it out with the following curl command: curl localhost:8686/graphql-worker -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"resolver":"MyType.customField","parent":[{"customField":"Dgraph Labs"}]}' Docker settings If you’re using Docker, you need to add the --graphql superflag’s lambda-url option to your Alpha configuration. For example: command: /gobin/dgraph alpha --zero=zero1:5180 -o 100 --expose_trace --trace ratio=1.0 --profile_mode block --block_rate 10 --logtostderr -v=2 --security whitelist=,, --my=alpha1:7180 --graphql lambda-url=http://lambda:8686/graphql-worker Next, you need to add the Dgraph Lambda server configuration, and map the JavaScript file that contains the code for lambda functions to the /app/script/script.js file. Remember to set the DGRAPH_URL environment variable to your Alpha server. Here’s a complete Docker example that uses the base Dgraph image and adds Lambda server support: services: dgraph: image: dgraph/standalone:latest environment: DGRAPH_ALPHA_GRAPHQL: "lambda-url=http://dgraph_lambda:8686/graphql-worker" ports: - "8080:8080" - "9080:9080" - "8000:8000" volumes: - dgraph:/dgraph dgraph_lambda: image: dgraph/dgraph-lambda:latest ports: - "8686:8686" environment: DGRAPH_URL: http://dgraph:8080 volumes: - ./gql/script.js:/app/script/script.js:ro volumes: dgraph: {} ← Lambda Webhooks