Ask a Question GraphQL Variables Variables simplify GraphQL queries and mutations by letting you pass data separately. A GraphQL request can be split into two sections: one for the query or mutation, and another for variables. Variables can be declared after the query or mutation and are passed like arguments to a function and begin with $. Query Example : query post($filter: PostFilter) { queryPost(filter: $filter) { title text author { name } } } Variables: { "filter": { "title": { "eq": "First Post" } } } Result: { "data": { "queryPost": [{ "title": "First Post", "text": "Hello world!", "author": [{ "name": "A.N. Author" }] }] } } Mutation Example : mutation addAuthor($author: AddAuthorInput!) { addAuthor(input: [$author]) { author { name posts { title text } } } } Variables: { "author": { "name": "A.N. Author", "dob": "2000-01-01", "posts": [{ "title": "First Post", "text": "Hello world!" }] } } Result: { "data": { "addAuthor": { "author": [{ "name": "A.N. Author", "posts": [{ "title": "First Post", "text": "Hello world!" }] }] } } } ← Requests and Responses in GraphQL GraphQL Fragments →